Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013


The last few months I returned to regular sports activities every Sunday and other holidays, such as cycling, walking, jogging and swimming.
I feel there is always a refreshment in my life after doing this exercise activities.
Maybe because I do so with the aim of refreshing, eliminate fatigue after a routine activity every day.
With this refresher I became addicted, always wanted to do it again, besides making me become more fit body, my soul became fresher. Perhaps not one of the terms "Mensana in corpore sano (hopefully not mistaken writing)", in a healthy body there is a strong soul.
I pondered those words .......
Once at the time of swimming, there is a kind of emotional outlet heart soul ...... I'm upset, I was repeatedly plunged into the pool and in the spirit of trying to reach the edge of the pool back and forth.
Having exhausted I really was satisfied and my heart became more comfortable.
Then when cycling, pedaling slowly as he look around housing estates, plantations and rice fields surrounding a favor ....... duh, the cool breeze while enjoying the green trees, sweaty bodies subhanalloh ....... although no refreshment in soul enjoy the natural scenery in the city center.
From there, I then felt a sort of mental formation in the sport, in addition there are some elements which are sports, namely:
1. elements of health
2. recreation element
3. element of the game
4. elements of education
5. element of skill
In general, of the five elements in the sport barkaitan with soul. Matters relating to the human psyche related to human character and personality.
Health element is associated with physical and mental health,
Recreation element raises a pleasure in life.
Elements raises the game of intelligence, tactical, strategy, tolerance.
Character element causing the formation of a mature personality.
Element raises creativity skills
 At least the characters that can be formed through an understanding of the philosophical values ​​that sport teaches sportsmanship, honesty, fair play, and ready to win and ready to lose. Our challenge now is how the philosophical values ​​that exist in the sport, such as fair play, honesty, sportsmanship, ready to win ready to lose to the influence of the national life led by the youth.
Character values ​​that are in the sport are:
1. Respect
2. Responsibility
3. Care
4. Honest
5. Fair
6. Civilized
Simply put, the sixth value can be defined as follows
. Respect is an attitude that paying attention to others and treat them respectfully. Attitude characterized with respect to, among others, to treat others as people want to be treated; talking politely to anyone; respect the existing rules in the family, school, and community.
Responsibility is the ability to respond, responses, or reactions in a conversation. Responsibility is characterized among other things by doing what was agreed in earnest; admit mistakes without reason; give the best of what is done.
Care is the willingness to provide care and compassion to others. Care, among others, characterized by treating others, yourself, and something with affection; pay attention and listen to others carefully; handle things with care.
Honest is an open attitude, can be trusted, and what it is. Honesty among others characterized by saying what it is; keeping promises; admit mistakes; refused to lie, cheat, and steal.
Fair is to be fair in doing and treat something. Fair attitude among others characterized by upholding the right of others, including himself; willing to accept mistakes and bear the risk; reject prejudiced.
Civilized is a basic attitude that is needed in the community at the core decency, regularity, and kindness. Civilized among others, characterized by putting something in place; appreciate the regularity.
I looked forward to the sport, even though the sport is not necessarily the number of problems will be resolved. Exercise also is not everything, but through sport many things that can be taught. For example, related to the value of equality and solidarity, fair play, competition, tolerance all of which are prerequisite to realize the basis of civil society (civil society).

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